Date Sun, Feb 25, 2024


One of the most important and best things that modern technology and techniques have brought is that they have helped us increase the opportunities for learning and development through distance learning. This is a technology that allows you to learn while you are at home. You can listen to lectures or attend online lessons from any lecturer around the world. Parents who want to teach their children the Qur’an have benefited greatly from this wonderful technology. They have started looking for the best sheikhs and reciters to help them teach children the Qur’an in light of distance learning, which has saved them a lot of effort and time. The spread of distance learning technology has increased significantly in recent times, as the majority of people who want to learn or memorize the Qur’an have resorted to it due to the many benefits of distance learning.

Benefits of memorizing the Qur’an for children during distance learning

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commanded us to learn the Holy Quran because of its many benefits that will benefit us in our lives and in the hereafter. Memorizing the Holy Quran also has a great reward from Allah. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “I have left among you two things, after which you will never go astray: the Book of Allah, the Almighty, and the Sunnah of His Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.” This means that memorizing the Quran and teaching the Quran to children during distance learning will help us choose the right path, stay away from sins and transgressions, know reward and punishment, and know right from wrong. Following the Sunnah of our beloved Messenger will make our lives more secure, comfortable, and reassuring.

Distance learning technology has spread, especially during the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, and many students and parents have benefited from this technology and resorted to memorizing the Qur’an for children in light of distance learning, in implementation of the Messenger of God’s command to learn the Qur’an and teach it to children.

Smartphone applications and their role in memorizing the Qur’an

When distance learning technology became popular, many sites started creating their own application to facilitate downloading it to the mobile phone and studying from it, or receiving lessons or attending lectures at any time and in any place. Here, teaching the Holy Quran had a large share in these applications. Many very useful applications were created to help memorize the Quran for children in light of distance learning. These applications were not limited to memorizing the Quran for children in light of distance learning only, but many of them also contained learning Arabic letters and daily morning and evening remembrances and other remembrances, in addition to simple religious lessons that suit the age of children. If you are wondering about these applications, there are many applications that can be easily downloaded to the phone and start memorizing the Holy Quran .

The most important applications for memorizing the Qur’an for children during distance learning

Memorizing the Quran for children in light of distance learning has become a simple matter that anyone can easily find online. Now, applications can be downloaded on any smartphone, and there are many distinctive applications that parents can choose from to teach their children. Among the best of these applications are:

  • Madkar application : This application is considered one of the best applications for memorizing the Qur’an for children in light of distance learning, as it has a special section for children and has many features, which are:
  1. The ability to specify the surahs and parts that the student wants to memorize.
  2. Determine the number of weekly sessions and the lines the child wants to memorize in each session.
  3. The application is characterized by the fact that it contains the method of teaching by rote learning, by hearing the verses from the teacher, and then the child can repeat them until he masters them.
  4. It helps children memorize the Qur’an during distance learning with correct reading and recitation.
  5. It helps establish the Arabic language in children, so that they can read the Qur’an correctly.
  6. The application contains a special section explaining the meanings of the verses to children so that they can understand them in a simple way.
  7. The Qur’an is memorized for children through distance learning by a distinguished group of experienced male and female teachers who have a license in the Holy Qur’an.
  8. Parents can choose the appropriate plan for their children when memorizing the Holy Quran on the Madkar application, as the application works 24 hours a day.
  • The Teacher’s Qur’an for Children : This application is considered one of the free applications that helps children memorize the Qur’an in light of distance learning. It is one of the excellent options for many people. Among its most important features are:
  1. The application for memorizing the Qur’an for children during distance learning does not require an Internet connection.
  2. This application uses the repetition method to memorize the Quran for children during distance learning.
  3. This application contains many Islamic songs, and many games that develop the mind and increase its focus.
  4. The application contains illustrated stories about the prophets.
  5. There are many ways to help children memorize the Qur’an during distance learning.
  6. You can listen to the entire Quran in audio only without the need for the Internet.
  7. The Holy Quran for Children is available on the Google Play Store.
  • Adnan, the Quran teacher : This application is considered one of the most popular applications for memorizing the Quran for children in light of distance learning. It is one of the interactive applications that helps children memorize the Holy Quran with ease. Among the features of these applications:
  1. Curriculum compatible.
  2. Children can start memorizing the Qur’an under distance learning from the age of three.
  3. Adnan Quran Teacher app uses the method of repeating behind the Sheikh for the children to repeat after him.
  4. The application simulates children's auditory and visual senses through attractive childish colors and sounds that increase the joy of the application.
  5. The application uses a child character called Adnan to help children and encourage them to memorize and continue.
  6. The application features attractive colors in the background that help distinguish the wall depending on the color.
  7. Adnan Quran Teacher application is available on the following applications: Amazon - Apple - Android - Windows.

Tips to help children memorize the Quran in a simple way

There are many tips that help children memorize the Qur’an while teaching remotely. The most important of these tips are the following:

  • Encourage children to learn and memorize the Holy Quran by offering them rewards and prizes upon completion of memorization.
  • Help children review what they have memorized so that they can easily recall and consolidate what they have memorized.
  • Organizing competitions between children at home helps motivate them and creates a good spirit of competition in goodness.
  • The impact of social interaction on children learning the Qur’an has a major role. When the environment in which the child lives is a fertile place for memorization and revision, he will find himself always reciting the Qur’an.
  • Parents should be a good role model for their child, by making sure to read and memorize the Holy Quran , because children often imitate what they see from their parents at home.
  • Play the verses that children have memorized at home, because hearing them and repeating them more than once will help to consolidate the memorization of the Holy Quran.
  • The appropriate time should be chosen when teaching children the Qur’an during distance learning, such as early morning or after dawn.
  • The place where children will begin memorizing the Qur’an during distance learning should be quiet, suitable, and away from any sources of distraction.
  • Parents should also ensure that the internet connection is good when teaching children the Qur’an during distance learning, because an internet outage will lead to a lack of focus for the child.
  • It is preferable for parents to start memorizing the Qur’an for children during distance learning before the start of school, as the younger the child is, the clearer his mind will be.
  • If parents decide to teach children the Quran during distance learning through smartphone applications, parents should be careful to choose simple and easy applications that have been created specifically for children, because they are different from adult applications and contain many attractions.

School platform dot com and Quran memorization courses

The platform is considered one of the most popular platforms in the Arab Gulf countries, as there is a special section on the platform for Quran memorization courses for children in light of distance learning, as the platform offers Quran education courses according to the Gulf curriculum, and these courses contain many activities, including:

  1. Learn the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters.
  2. Knowing many stories of the prophets and Quranic stories.
  3. Learn the correct ways to read the Holy Quran.
  4. Learn and master the rules of Tajweed.
  5. Facilitate memorizing the Surahs, starting with the short Surahs and continuing gradually.
  6. Understanding the meanings and implications of the verses of the Qur’an.
  7. Simplify the hadiths and memorize some of them.

Why platform for memorizing the Quran?

The platform is considered the ideal choice when memorizing the Qur’an for children in light of distance learning because it offers many advantages that are not found on any other platform. The most important of these advantages are:

  • The platform offers distinguished courses to define and teach the correct way to read the Holy Quran and facilitate its memorization.
  • It also offers specialized courses for all Arabic speakers.
  • The platform offers Quran memorization courses for children in the context of distance learning, taught by experienced graduates of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.
  • The school's courses are also distinguished by their credibility and the amount of comprehensive information provided by the platform for reading, correcting and memorizing the Qur’an in the best possible way.
  • Flexibility is one of the most important features of the Madrasa platform courses, as you can choose between morning and evening times, and you can also communicate with the trainers at any time you want.

After memorizing the Qur’an for children in light of distance learning has become a simple and easy matter, all you have to do is choose from among the convenient applications or start with the platform to help your children learn religious matters, memorize the Holy Qur’an, and learn the principles of Tajweed, which helps them to have a sound religious upbringing, know the truth from falsehood, and stay away from sins. Learning and memorizing the Holy Qur’an is the commandment of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, which we must work on with sincere intention so that we can, God willing, earn reward in this world and win Paradise in the Hereafter.

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